Our Generation Retro Bowling Alley with Electronics1 bowling alley, 3 scoreboard slider sheets,1 billboard, 1 cash register, 2 sets of Coins (5 cent /10 cent / 25 cent), 1 scoring table, 2 scoresheets,1 pencil, 1 bowling ball rack, 2 pairs of bowlingshoes, 1 shoe spray, 1 fabric cloth, 1 bowling bag,5 bowling balls, 1 bowling trophy, 1 basket of frenchfries, 1 ketchup bottle, 1 mustard bottle, 4 chip bags,2 cherry colas, 1 plastic plate, 6 sausages, 3 hot dogbuns, 3 hot dog wrappers and 1 hot dog ferriswheel. Suitable for Our Generation 18" Dolls. Dolls and outfits not included.